TCA Aircraft Testing Department. Jet/ turboprop/ large prop aircraft test report: Date of Report: May 8, 1998 Tested by: Mike Carvelas ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A: (Original FSFS aircraft details.) a) Aircraft name: Dornier 328-120 b) Aircraft registration: PJ-328 c) Aircraft Filename: TCA-D328.ZIP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION B: (FS98 only aircraft file details.) a) Aircraft name: Buccaneer b) File name: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION C: (Criteria Tested) 1) Endurance (range)NM: 1860 nm 2) Take-off distance(metres): 731 m Landing distance(metres): 291 m with full reverse thrust 625 m without using reverse thrust 3) Rotation speed (Vr)(KIAS): 116 a) Educated guess: 116 b) Calculated: 84 * 1.3 +10 = 119 kt 4) Climb: Best climb speed (KIAS/fpm): 230 kts / 2000 fpm 5) Overspeed clacker sounds at(at cruise altitude)Mach number or KIAS: mach .60 6) Behavior under AP(OK/Not OK). a) Speed AP. OK b) Altitude AP. OK c) Heading AP. OK d) NAV1 AP. e) Back course AP. f) Approach AP. g) Autoland N/A 7) Speed @ 80% N1, FL300 (Mach number or KIAS). MACH .55 8) % N1 at recommended economic cruise speed: 87% 9) Stall speed (KIAS). a) 100% fuel: 97/86 b) 30% fuel: 88/75 10) Approach speed at 30% fuel(KIAS): 108 11) Turns AP ON - (OK/Not OK): a) Level turns. OK b) Climbing turns. OK c) Descending turns. OK 12) Turns AP OFF - (OK/Not OK): a) Level turns. OK b) Climbing turns. OK c) Descending turns. OK 13) Landing speed(KIAS): a) 30% fuel: 108 b) 15% fuel: 95 14) Take-off with some engines out of service: At 90 kts, I cut the starboard engine. Aircraft pulled hard to the right - BE ALERT. Aircraft lifted off easily on one engine and gained altitude, but continued to pull and bank right. It requires constant rudder and aileron attention. After getting lined up with the runway, with sufficient altitude, it was possible to bring the other engine to idle and land easily although somewhat roughly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION D: NOTES/COMMENTS: The aircraft appearance is very nice, with the exception of the lack of propellers, even with engines off. It is extremely easy to fly, very responsive and simple to land. The fuel consumption however is not realistic. The manufacturer claims a range of 1000 nm at 31000 ft. I flew the Bermuda-Orlando flight twice to confirm that the aircraft has a range of 1860 nm. since exactly 50% fuel remained upon landing. Even allowing for 30 passengers and fuel for a 45 minute diversion, 1000nm seems a bit low.